Publications in Mathematical Linguistics


Books and Lecture Notes

  1. "The Mathematics of Language", Studies in Generative Grammar No. 63, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 2003. List of errors.


  1. "The Language Multiverse". Logic-Philosophical Studies 14. Yearbook of the St. Petersburg Logic Society. 2016. 24-35.
  2. "Lexical Semantics and Model Theory: Together at Last?". Proceedings of MOL 15. 2015. (Coauthor András Kornai.)
  3. "Are Logical Languages Compositional?". Studia Logica 101(2013). 1319 - 1340.
  4. "Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics in Communication". In Proceedings of I-Semantics. Graz. 2011. 195 -202. (Coauthor Christoph Brandt).
  5. Modal Logic Foundations of Markup-Structures in Annotation Systems. In Alexander Mehler, Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, Henning Lobin, Harald Lüngen, Angelika Storrer and Andreas Witt (Eds.): Modeling, Learning and Processing of Text Technological Data Structures. Studies in Computational Intelligence Nr. 270. Springer. 2011. 111 - 127.
  6. "On the Logic of LGB-Type Structures. Part I: Multidominance Structures". In Fritz Hamm and Stephan Kepser: Essays in honour of Uwe Mönnich. Mouton de Gruyter. 2008. 105 - 142.
  7. "Is Adjunction Compositional?". Research on Language and Computation 6(2008), 53 - 77.
  8. "The Emergence of Syntactic Structure". Linguistics and Philosophy 30(2007), 47 - 95.
  9. "Referent Systems and Argument Structure". In Zoltán Alexin and Dóra Csendes (eds.): IV. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia (MSzNy 2006) [4th Hungarian Computational Linguistics Conference]. 394 - 401.
  10. "On Pregroups, Freedom and (Virtual) Conceptual Necessity. In Aviad Eilam, Tatjana Scheffler and Joshua Tauberer (Eds.): Proceedings of the 29th Annual Penn Linguistics Conference, Penn Working Papers in Linguistics 12.1, 2006. 189--198. (Coauthor Greg Kobele.)
  11. "Partial Algebras, Meaning Categories, and Algebraization". Theoretical Computer Science 354/1(2006). 131 -- 141. Errata.
  12. "Too Many Languages Satisfy Ogden's Lemma". Proceedings of the 27th Pennsylvania Linguistics Colloquium. Penn Linguistics Club Working Papers No. 10.1, 115 - 121. 2004.
  13. "Features in Phonological Theory, In Benedikt Löwe, Wolfgang Malzkorn and Thomas Räsch (Eds.): Foundations of the Formal Sciences II, Applications of Mathematical Logic in Philosophy and Linguistics, Papers of a Conference held in Bonn, November 11--13, 2000, Trends in Logic No. 17, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2003, 123 - 149
  14. "Constraints on Derivations". Grammars 6(2003), 89 - 113.
  15. "Syntax in Chains". Linguistics and Philosophy 24(2001), 467 - 529.
  16. "Logic and syntax - a personal perspective". In Maarten de Rijke, Krister Segerberg and Michael Zakharyaschev (Eds.): Advances in Modal Logic '98, CSLI, 2001, 337 - 366.
  17. "Strict Compositionality and Literal Movement Grammars". In Michael Moortgat (Ed.): Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics 98, Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence No. 2014, 2001. 126 - 142.
  18. "Adjunction Structures and Syntactic Domains". In Hans-Peter Kolb and Uwe Mönnich (Eds.): The Mathematics of Syntactic Structure. Trees and their Logics, Studies in Generative Grammar 44, Mouton-de Gruyter, Berlin, 1998, 259 - 299.
  19. "Inessential Features". In Christian Retoré (Ed.): Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics, Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence No. 1328, 1997. 43 - 62.
  20. "Semilinearity as a Syntactic Invariant". In Christian Retoré (Ed.): Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics, Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence No. 1328, 1997. 329 - 345. (Coauthor Jens Michaelis.)
  21. "Is there a genuine modal perspective on feature structures?". Linguistics and Philosophy 18(1995). 401 - 458.
  22. "Syntactic Codes and Grammar Refinement". Journal of Logic, Language and Information 4(1995), 41 - 60.
  23. "Mathematical Aspects of Command Relations". Proceedings of the European Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 1993. 240 - 249.
  24. "On the Logic of Category Definitions". Computational Linguistics 15(1989), 111 - 113.

In Preparation

  1. The Language Multiiverse. Manuscript. Uni Bielefeld. 2016.
  2. A Model for Semantics and Pragmatics in Communication. Manuscript. Uni Luxemburg & Uni Bielefeld. 2009. (Coauthor Christoph Brandt.)
  3. "Counterfree Regular Languages Are Not Learnable. Manuscript, UCLA, 2007.
  4. "Lectures on Interpreted Languages and Compositionality".
  5. "On Independent Pumpability". Manuscript, UCLA, Oktober 2005.
  6. "On the Logic of LGB-Type Structures. Part III: Minimalism", Manuscript, UCLA, October, 2005. (Continuation of Nr. 7 and 4 below.)
  7. "On the Logic of LGB-Type Structures. Part II: Reentrancy Structures", Manuscript, UCLA, September, 2005. (Continuation of Nr. 4.)
  8. "On Strings, Bracelets and Bracketings", Manuscript, UCLA, October 2004. (The facts are known but the proof seems to be new.)
  9. "A New Proof of a Theorem by Ginsburg and Spanier". Manuscript, UCLA, December 2002. (Published in "The Mathematics of Language". This is an improved version of the proof.)

Marcus Kracht
Last changed: Thu April 3, 2015 20:25:00 CET