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Telephone interfaces | Telephone interfaces | Telephone interfaces | Computer telephony integration | Computer telephony integration | Computer telephony integration | Computer telephony integration
paired comparison
Experimental design | Judgment laboratory tests | Relationships among tests | Relationships among tests
see Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)
paradigmatic relation
Lexical properties and lexical | Lexical properties and lexical | Lexical properties and lexical | Sentence syntax information | Sentence syntax information | Sentence syntax information
paradigmatic similarity
Sentence syntax information
parametric coding strategies
Quantisation and coding
Parametric Test Manager
Predicting field performance from
parse tree
Grammar based language models | Grammar based language models | Grammar based language models | Grammar based language models
Lexicon generation | Language modelling | Speech recognition and application | Sophisticated dialogue manager | Lexical databases and system | Sentence syntax information | Grammar based language models | Grammar based language models | Grammar based language models | Scope | Improving existing systems | Interactive complexity of dialogue | Specification and design | Design by observation | Glass box assessment | Correction rate
Applications of morphology | Morphological decomposition | Morphological decomposition
Prosodic information | Sentence syntax information
Recommendations on lexical surface | Sentence syntax information | Recommendations on grammatical information | Linguistic testing: Creating test
Morphological decomposition | Syntactic parsing | Syntactic parsing | Linguistic testing: Creating test | Linguistic testing: Creating test
parts of speech (POS)
Sentence syntax information | Equivalence histories and word | Recommendations: Refined language models | Comparability across languages
Definitions | Definitions | Definitions
pathological speech
Applications of spoken language | Smoking and drinking habits | Pathological speech\indexpathological speech | Pathological speech | Legal aspects | Legal aspects
Pathological speech | Pathological speech | Pathological speech | Pathological speech
Pathological speech | Pathological speech | Pathological speech | Pathological speech
Speech pathology | Smoking and drinking habits | Pathological speech | Pathological speech | Pathological speech | Recommendations | 1. Laryngeal descriptors | 2. Miscellaneous descriptors | 2. Miscellaneous descriptors | Voice characteristics tests
Pathological speech | Pathological speech | Pathological speech | Pathological speech | Pathological speech | Pathological speech | Pathological speech | Pathological speech | Progress
see Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
see Pitch Determination Instruments (PDI)
performance (vs. competence)
General linguistic research | General linguistic research | Design by intuition | Design by intuition | Design by intuition | Design by intuition
Periodic and aperiodic motion | Periodic and aperiodic motion | Periodic and aperiodic motion | Periodic and aperiodic motion | Periodic and aperiodic motion | 2. Miscellaneous descriptors | 2. Miscellaneous descriptors | Reference channels | Modification of speech parameters
periodic motion
Periodic and aperiodic motion | Periodic and aperiodic motion
Language models | Branching factor\indexbranching factor (perplexity | Branching factor (perplexity | Recommendation: Requirement profiles | Lexica in selected spoken | Lexica in selected spoken | Lexica in selected spoken | Lexica in selected spoken | Goals of the chapter | Perplexity definition | Recommendations | Pooling of parameters | Computational complexity | Experimental results | Experimental results | Experimental results | Experimental results | Experimental results | Experimental results | Experimental results | Experimental results | Experimental results | Experimental results | Experimental results | Experimental results | Experimental results | Experimental results | Equivalence histories and word | Equivalence histories and word | Recommendations: Refined language models | Recommendations: Refined language models | Search: Finding the single | Classification of recognition systems | Classification of recognition systems | Classification of recognition systems | Representative databases | Specific calibrated databases | Specific calibrated databases | Linguistic parameters | Assessment parameters | Test material selection | Test material selection | Test material selection
formal definition of
Formal definition | Formal definition
Personal Computer
The ESPRIT SAM | Telephone interfaces | System platform | Platforms | Platforms | Connectivity | Computer telephony integration | Software tools | Technical set-up | Technical set-up | Automatic gain control | Examples of speaker verification | Examples of speaker verification
personal-password speaker recognition system
see speaker recognition system, personal-password
Periodic and aperiodic motion | 1. Laryngeal descriptors | 1. Laryngeal descriptors | 1. Laryngeal descriptors | 1. Laryngeal descriptors | 3. Microphone preamplifier | 4. Wiring and transmission | Data collection | Recommendations on data collection | Insertion-loss compensation | Insertion-loss compensation | Insertion-loss compensation | Linear distortions | Linear distortions | Phase distortions | Phase distortions | Phase distortions | Phase distortions
phase distortion
see distortion, phase
Speech synthesis | Lexica in selected spoken | Lexica in selected spoken | Lexica in selected spoken | Lexica in selected spoken | Lexica in selected spoken | Lexica in selected spoken | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Stochastic language modelling | Stochastic language modelling | Experimental selection of material | Experimental selection of material | Experimental selection of material | Experimental selection of material | Segmentation | Segmentation | Progress | Progress | Progress | Classification of recognition systems | Recognition score | Isolated word scoring | Isolated word scoring | Training material | Training material | Training material | Training material | Acoustic training | Lexicon | Lexicon | Test material selection | Test material selection | Test material selection | Test material selection | Test material selection | Recommendations on choice of
phone model
Lexica in selected spoken | Lexica in selected spoken | Lexica in selected spoken | Lexica in selected spoken | Experimental selection of material | Acoustic training | Lexicon | Test material selection
Quality measures | Size differences between NL | Psycholinguistic research | Psycholinguistic research | Audiology | Read aloud isolated phonemes\indexphoneme\indexread | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Factorial experiments and corpus | Factorial experiments and corpus | Factorial experiments and corpus | Factorial experiments and corpus | Read speech recordings | Automatic and semi-automatic segmentation | Segmentation and labelling in | Morphologicalsyntactic, semantic and | Citation-phonemic representation | Citation-phonemic representation | Citation-phonemic representation | Citation-phonemic representation | Citation-phonemic representation | Citation-phonemic representation | Broad phonetic or phonotypic | Broad phonetic or phonotypic | Broad phonetic or phonotypic | List of recommendations | Lexical information as properties | Lexica in selected spoken | Lexical databases and system | Lexical databases and system | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Prosodic information | Types of morphological information | Applications of morphology | Applications of morphology | Applications of morphology | Sentence syntax information | Sentence syntax information | Sentence syntax information | A simple database type: | Corpora | Bayes decision rule | Bayes decision rule | Bayes decision rule | Bayes decision rule | Bayes decision rule | Stochastic language modelling | Stochastic language modelling | Extensions of the perplexity | Extensions of the perplexity | Extensions of the perplexity | Sources of recognition errors | Sources of recognition errors | Sources of recognition errors | Search: Finding the single | Search: Finding the single | How to read this | How to read this | Populationssamples and other | Populationssamples and other | Experimental procedures | Experimental selection of material | Experimental selection of material | Experimental selection of material | Experimental selection of material | Experimental selection of material | Experimental selection of material | Experimental selection of material | Experimental selection of material | Experimental selection of material | Experimental selection of material | Experimental selection of material | Experimental selection of material | Experimental selection of material | Experimental selection of material | Experimental selection of material | Segmentation | Segmentation | Segmentation | Segmentation | Segmentation | Segmentation | Classification | Classification | Progress | Progress | Progress | Progress | Progress | Progress | Progress | Progress | Progress | Progress | Progress | Progress | Progress | Progress | Progress | Manipulatedartificial and diagnostic | Experimental design | Assessment purpose versus methodology | Recognition score | Training material | Unrestricted text-independent systems | Unrestricted text-independent systems | Unrestricted text-independent systems | Glass box vs. black | Global vs. analytic assessment | Test procedures | Test procedures | Test procedures | Recommendations on choice of | Recommendations on choice of | Grapheme-phoneme conversion | Grapheme-phoneme conversion | Segmental tests | Segmental tests | Segmental tests at the | Segmental tests at the | Functions of prosody | Functional tests of prosody | Relationships among tests | Relationships among tests | Relationships among tests | Relationships among tests | Relationships among tests | Relationships among tests | Segmental quality testing | Conclusion: summary of test | CLuster IDentification Test (CLID) | CLuster IDentification Test (CLID) | The Bellcore Test | The Bellcore Test | Overall system characterisation
phoneme frequency
Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Factorial experiments and corpus
phoneme model
Unrestricted text-independent systems | Unrestricted text-independent systems
phoneme monitoring
see monitoring, phoneme
phonemic structure
Read aloud text fragments | Pronunciation information
Phonetic Discrimination
Diagnostic methods with a
phonetic module
Text-to-speech synthesis
phonetic spelling
Lexica in selected spoken
phonetically balanced
The ESPRIT SAM | Speech training material | Lexicon generation | Training | Training | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Experimental selection of material | Experimental selection of material | Test procedures | Test procedures | Harvard Psychoacoustic Sentences
phonetically rich
Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences
Spoken Language resources | Phonetic research | Phonetic research | Visibility: open vs. secret | Introduction | Citation-phonemic representation | List of recommendations | A simple sign model | Subjects | Acoustic aspects
Speech corpora with few
pink noise
Reference signals
Spoken language corpus | Spoken language corpus | Spoken language corpus | Speech synthesis | Speech synthesis | Factorial experiments and corpus | Factorial experiments and corpus | Speech corpora with few | Speaker characteristics | Speaker characteristics | Speaker characteristics | Male / female speakers | Professional vs. untrained speakers | Introduction | Introduction | Recording on location | Examples of the two | The ToBI labelling system | The ToBI labelling system | The ToBI labelling system | The MARSEC labelling | The MARSEC labelling | The IPO approach | The IPO approach | The IPO approach | The IPO approach | Prosodic labelling in the | Prosodic labelling in the | Prosodic labelling in the | Prosodic labelling in the | Prosodic labelling in the | Prosodic labelling in the | Prosodic labelling in the | Prosodic labelling in the | Prosodic labelling in the | Spoken language and written | Spoken language and written | Prosodic information | Anatomical (voice) descriptors | Transducer characteristics | Telephone recordings | Pitch Determination Instruments (PDIs) | 4. Photoelectric PDIs | Recommendations on parallel recordings | Modification of speech parameters | Acoustic-based measures | Acoustic-based measures | Acoustic-based measures | Pre-production parameters | Pre-production parameters | Pre-production parameters | What are speech output | Recommendations on choice of | Recommendations on choice of | Recommendations on choice of | Recommendations on choice of | Recommendations on choice of | Recommendations on choice of | Word stress | Syntactic parsing | Judgment tests of prosody | Judgment tests of prosody | Functions of voice characteristics | Prosodic quality testing | Prosodic quality testing
Pitch Determination Instruments (PDIs)
Anatomical (voice) descriptors | Pitch Determination Instruments (PDIs) | 4. Photoelectric PDIs | Recommendations on parallel recordings
2. Electrical PDIs | 2. Electrical PDIs | 3. Ultrasonic PDIs | 4. Photoelectric PDIs | 4. Photoelectric PDIs | 4. Photoelectric PDIs | Recommendations on parallel recordings
1. Mechanical PDIs | 1. Mechanical PDIs
4. Photoelectric PDIs | 4. Photoelectric PDIs
3. Ultrasonic PDIs | 3. Ultrasonic PDIs | 4. Photoelectric PDIs | 4. Photoelectric PDIs
pitch movement
The MARSEC labelling | The IPO approach | The IPO approach | Prosodic labelling in the | Acoustic-based measures | Word stress | Syntactic parsing | Judgment tests of prosody | Judgment tests of prosody | Prosodic quality testing | Prosodic quality testing
COCOSDA | System design | Speech data collection | Training | System platform | System platform | Planning for expansion | Computer telephony integration | Recommendation: Requirement profiles | Recommendation: Requirement profiles | Citation-phonemic representation | Examples of speaker verification | Specification and design
data collection
Speech recognition systems | Speech data collection
System platform | Platforms | Examples of speaker verification
Cut-through versus voice-stop (anticipation) | Speech recordingstorage, and | Speech recordingstorage, and | Speech recordingstorage, and | Canned speech | Recommendation: Requirement profiles | Recording device | Software tools | Technical set-up | Technical set-up | Technical set-up | Technical set-up | Technical set-up | Addition of noise | Addition of noise
Quality measures | Amplitude distortions | Global vs. analytic assessment | Judgment laboratory tests | Judgment laboratory tests | Judgment laboratory tests | Field tests | Segmental tests at the | Functional tests of prosody | Voice characteristics tests | Voice characteristics tests | Voice characteristics tests | Voice characteristics tests | Voice characteristics tests | Voice characteristics testing | ITU-T Overall Quality Test | Qualitative measures
Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Semi-spontaneous speech | Geographical and sociolinguistic factors | Recording on location | Monitoring and validation | Abbreviations and spelled words | Orthographic transcription of read | Non-linguistic and other phenomena | Non-linguistic and other phenomena
Pooling of parameters | Pooling of parameters
pop noise
1. Pop noise | 1. Pop noise | Recommendations on the recording
EAGLES objectives | Connectivity | Connectivity | Recording device | Recording device | Background | List of recommendations | Recommendations on lexicon structure | Examples of speaker verification | Improving existing systems
see parts of speech
Spoken Language lexica | The transcription of read | Levels and types of | Levels and types of | Morphologicalsyntactic, semantic and | Morphologicalsyntactic, semantic and | Lexica in selected spoken | Basic features of a | Spoken language and written | Lexicon models and lexical | A simple sign model | Pragmatic information | Pragmatic information | Idiomatic information | Idiomatic information | Spoken language lexicon formalisms | Lexicon architecture and lexical | Lexicon architecture and the | Acquisition tools | Bayes decision rule | Stochastic language modelling | Stochastic language modelling | Prosodic quality testing | Interactive complexity of dialogue | Wizard variables | Knowledge databases
Speech recognition systems | Speaker-adapted systems | Linguistic part | Linguistic part | Linguistic part | Spoken language corpus | Acquisition tools | Reference systems | Reference systems | Pre-processing | Pre-processing | SAM Standard Segmental
pre-production parameters
Speech quality and conditions
predictive model of performance
System design | Introduction
The IPO approach | Kinds of lexical unit | Prosodic information | Types of morphological information | Applications of morphology | Applications of morphology
press-to-talk microphone
see microphone, press-to-talk
private switch
Telephone interfaces | Telephone interfaces
Introduction | Telephone interfaces | Telephone interfaces | Cut-through versus voice-stop (anticipation) | Cut-through versus voice-stop (anticipation) | Cut-through versus voice-stop (anticipation) | Cut-through versus voice-stop (anticipation) | Speech synthesis | Speech recordingstorage, and | Speech recordingstorage, and | Real-time aspects | Real-time aspects | Computer telephony integration | About this chapter | Speaker recognition/verification | Speaker recognition/verification | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud text fragments | Male / female speakers | Interview recordings | Interview recordings | Speaker prompting | Speaker prompting | Recommendations | Recommendations | Recommendations | Microphone | Recommendations | Cost | Frontal visualisation | Frontal visualisation | Recommendations on the visual | Interaction mode with the | Interaction mode with the | Definitions | Definitions | Definitions | Text-dependent systems | Fixed-vocabulary systems | Fixed-vocabulary systems | Fixed-vocabulary systems | Fixed-vocabulary systems | Fixed-vocabulary systems | Fixed-vocabulary systems | Fixed-vocabulary systems | Fixed-vocabulary systems | Unrestricted text-independent systems | Unrestricted text-independent systems | Unrestricted text-independent systems | Unrestricted text-independent systems | Unrestricted text-independent systems | Unrestricted text-independent systems | Unrestricted text-independent systems | Unrestricted text-independent systems | Unrestricted text-independent systems | Reference systems | Reference systems | Examples of speaker verification | System assessment | Design by intuition | Design by intuition | Recommendations on design methodology | Recommendations on design methodology | Recommendations on prompt design | Recommendations on prompt design
proprietary system
System platform | Platforms
Spoken Language resources | Spoken Language corpus representation | Linguistic part | Linguistic part | Phonetic part | Recommendation: Requirement profiles | Orthographic identity and phonetic | Orthographic identity and phonetic | Orthographic identity and phonetic | Speech synthesis | Speech synthesis | Read aloud text fragments | Speech corpora with few | Speech corpora with few | Speech corpora with few | Speech corpora with few | Speech corpora with few | Speech corpora with about | Visible recordings | Spontaneous dialogue recordings | Speaker prompting | Speaker prompting | Monitoring and validation | The transcription of read | Levels and types of | Levels and types of | Background | Segmentation and labelling in | Morphologicalsyntactic, semantic and | Prosodic transcription | Provisional recommendations for prosodic | List of recommendations | List of recommendations | List of recommendations | List of recommendations | List of recommendations | Lexical databases and system | Spoken language and written | Spoken language and written | The lexicon in spoken | Kinds of lexical unit | The notion of ``lexical | Pronunciation information | Pronunciation information | Prosodic information | Prosodic information | Recommendations on lexical surface | Recommendations on lexical surface | Recommendations on lexical surface | Types of morphological information | Applications of morphology | Applications of morphology | Sentence syntax information | Pragmatic information | Pragmatic information | Idiomatic information | A simple database type: | A simple database type: | Recommendations on the recording | Modification of speech parameters | Psycholinguistic metrics | Acoustic-based measures | Acoustic-based measures | Speech quality and conditions | Fixed-vocabulary systems | What are speech output | What are speech output | Glass box vs. black | Glass box vs. black | Prosodic reference conditions | Prosodic reference conditions | Prosodic reference conditions | Prosodic reference conditions | Functional laboratory tests | Syntactic parsing | Acoustic aspects | Acoustic aspects | Segmental tests | Segmental tests at the | Segmental tests at the | Segmental tests at the | Segmental tests at the | Prosody | Functional tests of prosody | Functions of voice characteristics | Functions of voice characteristics | Relationships among tests | Introduction | Predicting functional behaviour from | Predicting functional behaviour from | Predicting field performance from | Linguistic testing: Creating test | Linguistic testing: Creating test | Segmental quality testing | Prosodic quality testing | Prosodic quality testing | Voice characteristics testing | Conclusion: summary of test
functional tests of
Functional tests of prosody | Functional tests of prosody
functions of
Functions of prosody | Functions of prosody
judgment tests of
Judgment tests of prosody | Judgment tests of prosody
Assessment of Spoken Language | System capability profile versus | System in operation versus | System in operation versus | System simulation and prototyping | System simulation and prototyping | Recommendation: Requirement profiles | Computational complexity | Recommendations: Language models and | Product assessment | Product assessment | Segmental tests at the | Multimodal dialogue systems including | Wizard variables
proximity effect
1. Omnidirectional microphones | 1. Omnidirectional microphones | 2. Unidirectional microphones | 2. Unidirectional microphones | 2. Unidirectional microphones | 2. Unidirectional microphones | 3. Bidirectional microphones (figure-of-eight | 4. Anechoic chamber
pseudo-impostor bundle
Speaker population size and | Speaker population size and | Speaker population size and | Speaker purpose and other | Recommendations | Example
PSOLA algorithm
Speech synthesis | Modification of speech parameters | Why speech output assessment? | Recommendations on choice of | Functional tests of prosody | Segmental quality testing
Telephone interfaces
About this chapter | Psycholinguistic research | Psycholinguistic research | First language acquisition | Second language acquisition | Speech pathology | Introduction | Outlook | Test procedures | Test procedures | Test procedures | Functional laboratory tests | Functional laboratory tests | Functional laboratory tests | Functional tests of prosody | Segmental quality testing | Prosodic quality testing
PTT approval
Telephone interfaces | Recommendation: Requirement profiles
public network
Telephone interfaces | Telephone interfaces | Telephone interfaces
Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)
Sampling | Sampling
Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
Speech recordingstorage, and
Quantisation and coding | Quantisation and coding | Recommendations on data collection | Description of recording conditions
Quantisation and coding
Pulse coded modulation Expansion Bus (PEB)
Telephone interfaces | Telephone interfaces | Connectivity
pulse detection
Telephone interfaces | Telephone interfaces | Interactive voice systems | DTMF\indexDTMFpulse detection\indexpulse detection,
Linguistic part | Recommendation: Requirement profiles | Printable ASCII-strings and continuously | Read aloud isolated sentences | Read aloud isolated sentences | Kinds of lexical unit | Recommendations | Recommendations | Pre-processing | Judgment tests of prosody

EAGLES SWLG SoftEdition, May 1997. Get the book...