Bläsing, B. E., & Sauzet O.. (2018).
My action, my self: Recognition of self-created but visually unfamiliar dance-like actions from point-light displays. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1909. - Schaller, A., Exner, A. K., Wild, B., & Sauzet O. (2018).
Dann können wir endlich zeigen, dass das was bringt. B&G Bewegungstherapie und Gesundheitssport, 34(05), 225-231. - E Finne,
M Glausch,
AK Exner,
O Sauzet,
F Stoelzel,
N Seidel. (2018)
Behavior Change Techniques for increasing Physical Activity in Cancer Survivors: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.
Cancer Management and Research (in press) -
Strotmann, J., Fox, H., Bitter, T., Sauzet, O., Horstkotte, D., & Oldenburg, O. (2018).
Characteristics of sleep-disordered breathing in patients with atrial fibrillation and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction.
Clinical Research in Cardiology, 107(2), 120-129
- O Sauzet, JL Peacock
Binomial outcomes in dataset with some clusters of size two: can the dependence of twins be accounted for?
A simulation study comparing the reliability of statistical methods based on a dataset of preterm infants.
BMC medical research methodology, 17(1), 110. - Schaller, A., Exner, A. K., Schroeer, S., Kleineke, V., & Sauzet, O. (2017).
Barriers to Physical Activity in Low Back Pain Patients following Rehabilitation: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial.
BioMed research international, 2017. -
Brzoska, P., Sauzet, O., Yilmaz-Aslan, Y., Widera, T., & Razum, O. (2017).
Satisfaction with rehabilitative health care services among German and non-German nationals residing in Germany: a cross-sectional study.
BMJ open, 7(8), e015520. - O Sauzet, A Leyland
Contextual effects on health inequalities: a research agenda. (Editorial)
2017 European Journal of Public Health, 27(4), 587-588 - T Sathish, S Kannan, SP Sarma, O Razum, O Sauzet, KR
Seven-Year Longitudinal Change in Risk Factors for Non-communicable Diseases in Rural Kerala, India: The WHO STEPS Approach.
PloS one, 12(6), e0178949
- O Sauzet, M Kleine
Distributional estimates for the comparison of proportions of a dichotomised continuous outcome
2016 Stata Journal, in press (accepted version) - P Brzoska, O Sauzet, Y Yilmaz-Aslan, T Widera and O
Self-rated treatment outcomes in medical rehabilitation among German and non-German nationals residing in Germany:
a cross-sectional study
BMC Health Services Research 2016,16:105 (full text) - O Sauzet, J Breckenkamp, T Borde, S Brenne, M David,
O Razum, JL Peacock
A distributional approach to obtain adjusted comparisons of proportions of a population at risk
Emerging Themes in Epidemiology 2016,13:8 (pdf) - VR Cornelius, Kun Liu, J Peacock, O Sauzet
Variation in adverse drug reactions listed in product information for antidepressants and anticonvulsants between the USA and Europe:
a comparison review of paired regulatory documents
BMJ Open 2016, 6(3):e010599 - A Carvajal, LH Martín Arias, M Sàinz, A Escudero, I Fierro, O Sauzet, VR Cornelius, M Molokhia
Carpal tunnel syndrome associated with oral bisphosphonates. A population-based cohort study
PLoS ONE 2016, 11(1):e0146772 - N Pattison, A Gubbay, JL Peacock, J Ross, O Sauzet, JE Williams
Towards a pain-free hospital: the experiences of pain for head and neck cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy
British Journal of Pain 2016, vol. 10 no. 1 29-37 (pdf)
- J Williams, J Peacock, A Gubbay, PY Kuo, R Ellard, R Gupta, J Riley, O Sauzet, J Raftery, G Yao, J Ross
Routine screening for pain combined with a pain treatment protocol in patients with head and neck cancer: a randomized controlled trial
British Journal of Anaesthesia 2015, 115 (4), 621-628 - O Sauzet, M Kleine, A Menzel-Begemann, A Exner
Longitudinal randomised controlled trials in rehabilitation post-stroke: a systematic review on the quality of reporting and use of baseline outcome values
BMC Neurology 2015, 15(1):99 - O Sauzet, M Ofuya, JL Peacock
Dichotomisation using a distributional approach when the outcome is skewed
BMC Medical Research Methodology 2015, 15:40, DOI: 10.1186/s12874-015-0028-8 - S Schröder, M Lehmann, D Korbmacher, O Sauzet, H
Sudhoff, J Ebmeyer
Evaluation of tubomanometry as a routine diagnostic tool for chronic obstructive Eustachian dysfunction
Clinical Otolaryngology, 2015. DOI: 10.1111/coa.12451. - S Schröder, M Lehmann, O Sauzet, J Ebmeyer, H
A novel diagnostic tool for chronic obstructive eustachian tube Dysfunction -- The eustachian tube score
The Laryngoscope 2015; 125(3): 703–-708% DOI: 10.1002/lary.24922.
2014 and older
- O Sauzet and JL Peacock
Estimating dichotomised outcomes in two groups with unequal variances: a distributional approach
Statist. Med. 2014; 33 (26), 4547-4559 - K Reiss, O Sauzet, J Breckenkamp, J Spallek, O
How immigrants adapt their smoking behaviour: comparative analysis among Turkish immigrants in Germany and the Netherlands
BMC public health 2014; 14 (1), 844 - M Ofuya, O Sauzet and JL Peacock
Dichotomisation of a continuous outcome and effect on meta-analyses: illustration of the distributional approach using the outcome birth\-weight
Systematic Reviews 2014, 3:64 - E-M Berens, L Stahl, Y Yilmaz-Aslan, O Sauzet, J
Spallek and O\ Razum
Participation in breast cancer screening among women of Turkish origin in Germany -- a register-based study
BMC Women's Health 2014, 14:24 - O Sauzet, A Carvajal, A Escudero, et al
Illustration of the Weibull Shape Parameter signal detection tool using electronic healthcare record data
Drug Safety; 2013, 36(10): 995–-1006% DOI: 10.1007/s40264-013-0061-7 - O Sauzet, JL Peacock, JE Williams, et al
The characteristics and quality of randomized controlled trials in neuropathic pain: a descriptive study based on a systematic review
The Clinical Journal of Pain; 2013, 29(7): 591–-599 % DOI:10.1097/AJP.0b013e3182d6251 - V\ Cornelius, O Sauzet, JE Williams, et al
Adverse event reporting in randomised controlled trials of neuropathic pain: Considerations for future practice
Pain 2013; 154(2): 213–-220; - O Sauzet, K Wright, L Marsten, et al
Analysis of Continuous Outcome Data with Very Small Clusters Using Simulated Data
Statist. Med.2013; 32(8): 1429-–1438 - U Laaser, J Breckenkamp, O Sauzet,
V Bjegovic-Mikanovic
Treatment of elevated cholesterol in a representative cross-sectional sample of 4 892 Germans: is there a social gradient?
ebph; 2013. DOI: 10.2427/8944 - JL Peacock, O Sauzet, SM Ewing, et al
Dichotomizing continuous data while retaining statistical power
Statist. Med.2012; 31(26): 3089–-3103; (Co-first author) - V Cornelius, O Sauzet, S Evans
Signal detection method using a parametric time to event model
Drug Safety 2012; 7: 599-–610 - O Sauzet (with J-F\ Jaulent)
Extensions quadratiques 2-birationnelles de corps totalement réels
Publ. Mat. 44 (2000), no. 1, 343–-353 - O Sauzet (with J-F\ Jaulent)
Corrigendum to: Pro-l-extensions of l-rational number fields
J. Number Theory 65 (1997), no. 2, 240--267, J. Number Theory 80 (2000), no. 2, 318–-319 - O Sauzet
Théorie d'Iwasawa des corps p-rationnels et $p$-birationnels
Manuscripta Math. 96 (1998), no. 3, 263–-273 - O Sauzet (with J-F Jaulent)
Pro-l-extensions de corps de nombres l-rationnels
J. Number Theory 65 (1997), no. 2, 240--267