Current position
- Research Associate Bielefeld School of Public Health, AG3 Epidemiology and International Public Heatlh
- Head of the Statistik-Beratungs-Centrum (StatBeCe) Bielefeld University
Research interests
- Statistical methods in epidemiology and public health
- Social epidemiology
- Software development (for Stata and R)
Recent publications
Jansen, G., Sauzet O., Borgstedt, R, Entz, S., Holland, F.O., Lamprinaki S, Thies, K.C.,
Scholz S.S., Rehberg S.W. (2022)
Incidence, characteristics and predictors of mortality in Intensive-Care-Unit-cardiac-arrest – an observational study.
European Journal of Anaesthesiology (to appear) - Dudek, V., Razum, O., & Sauzet O. (2022).
Association between housing and health of refugees and asylum seekers in Germany: explorative cluster and mixed model analysis.
BMC public health, 22(1), 1-9. - Fretian, A., Graf, P., Kirchhoff, S., Glinphratum, G., Bollweg, T., Sauzet O., & Bauer,
The Long-Term Effectiveness of Interventions Addressing Mental Health Literacy and Stigma of Mental Illness
in Children and Adolescents: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Int J Public Health 66:1604072. - Peacock, J. L., Lo, J., Rees, J. R., & Sauzet O. (2021).
Minimal clinically important difference in means in vulnerable populations: challenges and solutions.
BMJ open, 11(11), e052338. - Breckenkamp, J., Razum, O., Spallek, J., Berger, K., Chaix, B., & Sauzet O. (2021).
A method to define the relevant ego-centred spatial scale for the assessment of neighbourhood effects: the example of cardiovascular risk factors.
BMC public health, 21(1), 1-7. - Ster, A. C., Phillips, R., Sauzet O., & Cornelius, V. (2021).
Improving analysis practice of continuous adverse event outcomes in randomised controlled trials-a distributional approach.
Trials, 22(1), 1-11. - Sauzet O., Breiding, J. H., Zolitschka, K. A., Breckenkamp, J., & Razum, O. (2021).
An ego-centred approach for the evaluation of spatial effects on health in urban areas based on parametric semi-variogram models: concept and validation.
BMC medical research methodology, 21(1), 1-12. - Jansen, G., Ebeling, N., Latka, E., Kr¨uger, S., Scholz, S. S., Trapp, S., ... & Borgstedt,
R. (2021).
Impact of COVID-19 adapted guidelines on resuscitation quality in out-ofhospital- cardiac-arrest: a manikin study.
Minerva anestesiologica. - Sudhoff, H., Ay, N., Todt, I., Sauzet O., Bernal-Sprekelsen, M., & Scholtz, L. U. (2021).
A novel technique for patulous Eustachian tube augmentation.
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 278(7), 2219-2224.