
Bielefeld University

Time Machines: Remains, Sources, Monuments, and Ghosts
Joint course with Ethan Kleinberg as resident Koselleck-professor and Lars Deile
2021/2022 WS

The End of History (and What Came After)
2017 SS

Narrative and History
2015/16 WS

Leiden University

Historical Theory (2 courses)

Historical Theory (2 courses)

MA Thesis Seminar

Invited teaching

Historical Knowledge in the Anthropocene
at History, Environment and Knowledge in the Anthropocene
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
25–28 May 2021

Two Cultures of the Posthuman Future
at The Humanities and the Posthumanities: New Ways of Being Human
8th Winter School of the Estonian Graduate School of Culture Studies and Arts, Tallinn, Estonia
28 January – 1 February 2019