Current Positions
- 07/2017-present: Project Manager, Swiss Institute of Rome
- 10/2016-present: Fellow of the Young ZiF, Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld
- 04/2015-present: Scientific Collaborator, Arbeitsbereich Historische Bildwissenschaft/Kunstgeschichte, Bielefeld University, Project "Parergonale Rahmungen. Zur Ästhetik wissenschaftlicher Dinge bei Goethe" (BMBF-Project Wie Dinge zur Sprache kommen)
- 04/2014: PhD., Université de Neuchâtel, Summa cum laude, Prix Nexans 2014
- 02/2008: Master's degree in Arts and Humanities, Université de Neuchâtel (Art History, French Literature, History)
Past Positions & Functions
- 10/2017: Co-founder International Network for the History of Physiognomy
- 06/2017: Expertise for the City of Paris in the context of the support program "Emergence(s)"
- 01/2017-06/2017: Member of the expertise commission "Aides financières aux musées et aux collections de tiers", Swiss Confederation, OFC, Bern
- 05/2014-04/2015: Postdoctoral Fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- 12/2013-04/2015: Scientific Assistant, Musée d'Yverdon et région
- 10/2013-12/2013: Subvention Egalité (Université de Neuchâtel) for a research stay in Paris
- 09/2012-07/2013: Getty Predoctoral Fellow, Los Angeles (Annual Research Theme: Color)
- 09/2010-08/2011: Resident Member at the Swiss Institute of Rome & Predoctoral Fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation
- 2010: Co-founder Rome Art History Network
- 07/2009-09/2009: Subvention Egalité (Université de Neuchâtel) for a research stay in Paris
- 2009-2012: Board Member, Swiss Association of Art Historians
- 2009-2012: Board Member, Articulations, Swiss Association for Young Art Historians
- 02/2008-08/2012: Scientific Assistant, Department of Art History and Museology, Université de Neuchâtel
- 07/2007-09/2007: Scientific Collaborator, Department of Art History and Museology, Université de Neuchâtel, FNS-Project History and function of church treasures during the Middle Ages
- 02/2006-12/2007: Scientific Collaborator, Collection de l'Art Brut, Lausanne
Fellowships, Grants & Prizes
- 2016: Grant Bielefelder Nachwuchsfonds, Universität Bielefeld
- 2016: Kongress- und Vortragsreisenprogramm German Academic Exchange Service
- 2015: Early Career Fellowship (2015-2017) Lichtenberg-Kolleg Göttingen (declined)
- 2014-2015: Early Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation
- 2014: Prix Nexans de la Recherche
- 2013: Grant Subvention Egalité, Université de Neuchâtel
- 2012-2013: Getty Predoctoral Residential Fellowship, Annual Research Theme: Color
- 2010-2011: Resident Member at the Swiss Institute of Rome
- 2010-2011: Fellowship for Prospective Researchers of the Swiss National Science Foundation
- 2009: Grant Subvention Egalité, Université de Neuchâtel
Foto: J. Paul Getty Trust, Christine Nguyen