.:Conferences & Symposia
Conferences 2017-2016
- "Harmonie und Dissonanz. Zur Funktion der Farbe in künstlerischen und wissenschaftlichen Sammlungen des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts" (Universität Zürich, 18 December 2017)
- "L'art du portrait taxidermique. Enquête matérielle à partir des collections de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe" (Université de Neuchâtel, 21 November 2017)
- "The Colors of Antiquity. Visual and Textual Strategies in the Recueil Bartoli (1757-1760)" (Showing, Persuading, Proving: Forms of Visual and Textual Evidence Production in Art History Writing, Connoisseurship, and Collection Practices of the Early Modern Era, Universität Mainz, 5-7 October 2017)
- "Wissen gestalten. Objekte und ihre Präsentationsformen in Goethes naturwissenschaftlichem Kabinett" (9. internationale Symposium junger Goetheforscher, Weimar, 7 June 2017)
- "Learning to Look. Identifying a Value System in Pierre-Jean Mariette's Catalogues" (Kunsturteil, Bochum, 23-24 May 2017)
- "Nature Enclosed in a Box. Early Forms of Natural History Dioramas in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth- Century Europe" (Seeing Through? The Materiality of Dioramas (1560-2010), University of Bern, 1-2 December 2016)
- "Un duel d'autorité. Caylus, Diderot et la vie d'Edme Bouchardon" (Bouchardon et ses contemporains, Paris, Musée du Louvre, 16 November 2016)
- "Vasari à l'épreuve du commentaire. Mariette, Bottari et leur révision des Vite" (Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574) et le canon des histoires nationales, Université de Neuchâtel, 21-22 June 2016)
- "Staging Life. The Preparation of Medical and Natural History Specimens in Eighteenth-Century Europe" (ASECS, Pittsburgh, 31 March-3 April 2016)
- "Into a Connoisseur's Eye: Pierre-Jean Mariette (1694-1774) and the Construction of Art History Knowledge" (Connoisseurship, Diagnostics, Forensics: Thinking and Looking Between Arts and the Sciences, University of York, 9 March 2016)
Conference Organization
- Co-organizer of the International Conference "Les nomenclatures stylistiques à l'épreuve de l'objet. Construction et déconstruction du langage de l'histoire de l'art", Académie de France à Rome - Villa Médicis & Institut Suisse de Rome, October 2018
- Co-organizer of the Conference "Bibliothèques et Musées en Suisse: Histoires croisées (18e-19e siècles)", Musée historique de Lausanne, 24-25 May 2018
- Co-organizer of the Panel "Provenance Research as a Method of Connoisseurship?", CAA's 106th Annual Conference, Los Angeles, 21-24 February 2018
- Co-organizer of the Conference "Collections, Displays & the Agency of Objects", University of Cambridge, 21-23 September 2017
- Co-organizer of the Panel "Copy - How-to Book. Practical Aspects of Copying in Italy from the 18th to the 19th Century", 11th International IAWIS/AIERTI Conference, Lausanne, 10-14 July 2017
- Co-organizer of the Panel "Early Modern Objects and the Boundaries of Materialities", CAA's 105th Annual Conference, New York, 15-18 February 2017
- Organizer of the Workshop "The Limits of Connoisseurship. Attribution Issues & Mistakes", Bielefeld, 22 July 2016
- Co-organizer of the Roundtable "Problèmes de perspective. La relève suisse en histoire de l'art et ses enjeux", Neuchâtel, 10 May 2012
- Co-organizer of the 14th Colloque de la relève suisse en histoire de l'art, Neuchâtel, 4-5 November 2011
- Co-organizer of the 2011 Conference of the Swiss Association of Art Historians "Les lieux d'exposition et leurs publics", Neuchâtel/Bienne, 30 September-1 October 2011
- Co-organizer of the "Open Research Workshop" at the Swiss Institute of Rome, July 2011
- Co-organizer of the First Swiss Congress of Art History, Bern, 2-4 September 2010
- Co-organizer of the International Conference "De la théorie à l'action. Les savoirs et leur mise en oeuvre au siècle des Lumières", Neuchâtel, 10-12 December 2009
Foto: J. Paul Getty Trust, Christine Nguyen