+ David Gilgen


Upcoming Events

06/2017 Wie es euch gefällt? Die Entwicklung Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit in der EU zwischen nationalstaatlichem und europäischem Interesse. Zugangs- und Chancen(un)gerechtigkeit am Arbeitsmarkt in Deutschland

Former Events

06/2017 Rescue of the Nation State, European Welfare States and Global Migration

05/2017 Ethischer Welthandel, Soziale Verantwortung von Unternehmen und Menschenrechte. Panel discussion with Christian Felber

05/2017 Ethischer Welthandel, Soziale Verantwortung von Unternehmen (CSR) und Menschenrechte. Panel discussion with Christian Felber

05/2017 Ethischer Welthandel, Soziale Verantwortung von Unternehmen und Menschenrechte. Panel discussion with Christian Felber

04/2017 Wirtschafts-, Rüstungs- und Konsumpolitik im NS

06/2015 The Rebirth of Europe? The Invention of the Welfare State between Interest Groups, Industrial Policy, and Nation States. Europa intensive, University Bielefeld

05/2015 Corporate Social Resonsibility in Germany and the United States; University Bielefeld

01/2015 'Beyond the Varieties of Capitalism'. Localities als Zentren der post-ricardianischen globalen Ökonomie

10/2014 Localities and Regional Varieties of Capitalism in post-ricardian Globalisation.' At the International Joint Seminar: 'Europe in Times of Glocalisation.' Osaka City University / Bielefeld University

10/2014 'Markets, Property Rights, and Interest Group Networks. The Creation of the German Patent Law 1877 and the Chemical In-dustry' at the SORE international conference on 'Organizing Markets', Stockholm, Sweden

06/2014 Market Fields, Locality and Alterity - A Research Perspective. (Economics and the Art of Reproducing Alterity - Alterity as an economic Asset?) at the 6th International Symposium Proposal, 'The Locality of Alterity and Symbiosis', Pusan National University, South-Korea

05/2014 'Regional Varities of Capitalism. Regimes of Production and Consumption in comparative perspective'. University of Glasgow

04/2014 'Germany as Model? Neoliberalism, Social Market Economy, and Business Ethics.' Faculty of Philosophy, National University Pusan, South-Korea

03/2014 'Globalisation Angst in Germany (1870-2000), Korean Studies Institute, National University Pusan, South-Korea