Recent Publications
The Fabric of Historical Time. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. Co-authored with Marek Tamm.
Historical Understanding: Past, Present, and Future. London: Bloomsbury, 2022. co-edited with Lars Deile. (a preview is available here )
The Epochal Event: Transformations in the Entangled Human, Technological and Natural Worlds. Cham: Palgrave, 2020. (a preview is available here )
- Spanish translation is forthcoming.
History in Times of Unprecedented Change: A Theory for the 21st Century. London: Bloomsbury, 2019. (a preview is available here )
- Portuguese translation is forthcoming.
- Chinese translation is forthcoming.
- Reviewed in: History and Theory 60:2 (2021) - The American Historical Review 126:1 (2021) - Contemporary European History 30:1 (2021) - Historie Sociale / Social History 54 (2021) - Journal of the Philosophy of History 14:2 (2021) - German Historical Institute London Bulletin 43:1 (2021) - Rethinking History 25:2 (2021) - Historiografías: Revista de Historia y Teoría 20 (2020) - Revista de Teoria da História 23:2 (2020) - INTH website
Special Issues
Historical Futures. History and Theory, from 60:1 (2021) onwards, an open-ended series of articles published in sequential issues of the journal. Co-conducted with Marek Tamm and History and Theory.
Temporal Comparisons. Time & Society 30:4 (2021), 447-618. Co-edited with Kirill Postoutenko and Willibald Steinmetz.
Historical Thinking and the Human. Journal of the Philosophy of History 14:3 (2020), 285-454. Co-edited with Marek Tamm. Contributions by Ewa Domanska, Sheila Jasanoff, Libby Robin, Hava Tirosh-Samuelson, and a joint piece by Bruno Latour & Dipesh Chakrabarty
Journal articles
The Opening of Historical Futures. History and Theory 63:3 (2024), 303-318. Co-authored with Marek Tamm.
Les temps humains de l’Anthropocène. Les Temps qui restent 1:1 (2024). Available at:
Disconnective futures: Uncertainty, unfathomability, and the collapse of narrative crisis management. Frontiers of Narrative Studies 9:2 (2023), 208-231.
The Anthropocene and the Planet. History and Theory 62:2 (2023), 320-333.
Earth System Science, Anthropocene Historiography, and Three Forms of Human Agency. Isis 113:2 (2022), 396-406. Co-authored with Julia Adeney Thomas.
Anthropocenic Historical Knowledge: Promises and Pitfalls. Rethinking History 25:4 (2021), 406-439. Co-authored with Marek Tamm and Ewa Domańska.
Temporal Comparisons: Evaluating the World through Historical Time. Time & Society 30:4 (2021), 447-461. Co-authored with Willibald Steinmetz and Kirill Postoutenko.
Domesticating the Future through History. Time & Society 30:4 (2021), 494-516.
Historical Futures. History and Theory 60:1 (2021), 3-22. Co-authored with Marek Tamm.
The Role of History in an Anthropocenic Knowledge Regime. Public History Weekly 9 (2021).
- German version: Die Rolle der Geschichte in einem Anthropozänischen Wissensregime. Public History Weekly 9 (2021).
Utopia Without Us? Esboços 27 (2020), 377-389.
Historical Thinking and the Human: Introduction. Journal of the Philosophy of History 14:3 (2020), 285-309. Co-authored with Marek Tamm
The Limits of Anthropocene Narratives. European Journal of Social Theory 23:2 (2020), 184-199.
- Translated to Hungarian as Az antropocén narratívák korlátai, published in Róbert Balogh et al. (eds), Táj, ember, tudás - zöldtörténelem: Bevezetés a környezettörténet irodalmába. Budapest: Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Történettudományi Intézet, 2021, 271-289.
Historicism and Constructionism: Rival Ideas of Historical Change. History of European Ideas (2019) online first article,DOI: 10.1080/01916599.2019.1653351
Two Cultures of the Posthuman Future. History and Theory 58:2 (2019), 171-184.
- Translated to Chinese as 批判的后人类主义与技术后人类:两种后人类未来的文化讨论,published in 社会科学战线 - Social Science Front 8 (2020), 17-26.
Do Theorists of History Have a Theory of History? Reflections on a Non-Discipline. História de Historiografia 12: Issue 29 (2019), 53-68.
- Translated to Portuguese and published as e-book Os teóricos da História têm uma teoria da história?: Reflexões sobre uma não-disciplina. Editora Milfontes, 2019.
The Story of Humanity and the Challenge of Posthumanity. History of the Human Sciences 32:2 (2019), 101-120.
- Translated to Chinese as 人类的故事与后人类的挑战, published in 史学集刊 - Collected Papers of History Studies (2019/1), 65-78.
(The Impossibility of) Acting upon a Story That We Can Believe. Rethinking History 22:1 (2018), 105-125.
Why The Anthropocene Has No History: Facing the Unprecedented. The Anthropocene Review 4:3 (2017), 239-245.
We Are History: The Outlines of a Quasi-Substantive Philosophy of History. Rethinking History 20:2 (2016), 259–279.
History Manifested: Making Sense of Unprecedented Change. European Review of History 22:5 (2015), 819–834.
Introduction: Assessing Narrativism. History and Theory 54:2 (2015), 153–161. Co-authored with Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen
The Expression of Historical Experience. History and Theory 54:2 (2015), 178–194.
Microhistory: In General. Journal of Social History 49:1 (2015 Fall), 237–248.
History Set Into Motion Again. Rethinking History 19:4 (2015) 661–667.
Experience as the Invisible Drive of Historical Writing. Journal of the Philosophy of History 7:2 (2013), 183–204.
Book chapters
The End of History and the End of the World. Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method. London: Bloomsbury (2023).
Does the Past Still Matter? In Paul M. Dover (ed.), Engaging with the Past and Present: The Relationship between Past and Present across the Disciplines. London and New York: Routledge, 2023, 43-55.
Why We Can't Know Anything about a Truly Posthuman Future. In Freddy Paul Grunert et al. (eds), HumaniTies and Artificial Intelligence. European Commission, 2022, 179-183.
Historical Understanding Today. In Zoltán Boldizsár Simon and Lars Deile (eds), Historical Understanding: Past, Present, and Future. London: Bloomsbury, 2022, 1-12.
Planetary Futures, Planetary History. In Zoltán Boldizsár Simon and Lars Deile (eds), Historical Understanding: Past, Present, and Future. London: Bloomsbury, 2022, 119-129.
Posthuman History. In Bloomsbury History: Theory and Method (2021).
Judging the Past, Blaming the Past, Hailing the Past. In Baosheng Zhang, Thomas Yunlong Man and Jing Lin (eds), A Dialogue between Law and History. Singapore: Springer, 2021, 129-150.
More-than-Human History: Philosophy of History at the Time of the Anthropocene. In Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen (ed), Philosophy of History: Twenty-first-century Perspectives. London: Bloomsbury (2020) Co-authored with Marek Tamm
The Transformation of Historical Time: Processual and Evental Temporalities. In Marek Tamm and Olivier Laurent (eds), Rethinking Historical Time: New Approaches to Presentism. London: Bloomsbury, 2019, 71-84.
- Translated to Portuguese as A Transformação do Tempo Histórico: Temporalidades Processual e Evental, published in Revista de Teoria da História 24:1 (2021), 139-155.
History Begins in the Future: On Historical Sensibility in the Age of Technology. In Stefan Helgesson and Jayne Svenungsson (eds), The Ethos of History: Time and Responsibility. Oxford and New York: Berghahn, 2018, 192-209.
Short essays/Interviews
Runaway Futures, Technology, and the Collapse of Understanding in Times of Unprecedented Change: An Interview with Zoltán Boldizsár Simon. Transições 1:1 (2020), 26-38.
Events of Disruptive Transformation. Somatosphere 14 May 2020.
For a full list, including publications in Hungarian, see Bielefeld University’s PUB