
  • affix: the superordinate term for prefixes, suffixes and circumfixes. Those are morphemes which are attached to a stem in order to create new words
  • allomorph: any of the variant forms of a morpheme
  • antonym: the opposite of sth as e.g. high and low
  • applied txt linguistics: An example for applied text linguistics is my web portfolio
  • bicentric compound: coordinative compound e.g. whiskey soda
  • circular definition: starting and ending at the same point. à not a good definition type
  • compound stem: composed of two stems, either bi-, endo- or exocentric
  • compounding: branch of word formation; new words created by putting two stems together
  • concordance: an index of all word in a text or corpus of text showing every contextual occurance of a word
  • content: is the meaning of a word, as e.g. the definition of a word or examples of the usage
  • decompositional definition:  onomasiological definition which defines a word by relating it to its synonyms and antonyms
  • definiendum: sth. that has to be defined
  • definiens: sth. that does the defining
  • definition: Statement that either contextualizes or just presents the nature of the word
  • definition by nearest kind and specific differences: standard that consits of definiendum and definiens
  • derivation: branch of word formation; creates new words by putting affixes to a stem
  • dictionary: consists of texts and documents in general either to explain (unknown) word by decoding them, this usually happens in alphabetical order and a pronounciation is also presented then, or to encode words by giving a descriptions or a synonymus for that word. This type mostly is not listed in alphabetical order.
  • differentia specifica: a definition by specific differences
  • encyclopedia: a comprehensive reference of work containing articles on a wide range of subjects, usually arranged alphabetically
  • endocentric compound: compound coinsisting of a head and a modifier. Example: christmas tree àa special kind of tree
  • etymology: study of the history, meaning and changing of words 
  • exocentric compound: compound from which you cannot conclude the distinct meaning
  • explanation: helps the reader to find out the word's meaning by giving a proper description
  • form: information is related to the appearance of a word, like e.g. the spelling or pronunciation of the word or IPA transcription
  • genus proximum:definition by presenting the nearest kind
  • glossary: alphabetical list of defined terms relating to a particular book
  • grapheme: a letter of the alphabet or the sumn of letter combinations that represent a single phoneme
  • homophone: word which is pronounced the same but has a different meaning, as e.g. two and to
  • hyperonym/ hypernym: word which is superordinated to many words of the same word fields 
  • hypertext: a text in general which consists either of hierarchial text parts or of a complex network of parts. Any www-document is a hypertext.
  • hyponym: subordinated term. Opposite of hypernym
  • inflection: adapts a word into a context without changing its meaning
  • IPA: international transcription system used for phonetic transcriptions
  • Learner's Diary: summarizes the lecture and gives answers to the questions "Which goals wanted to be reached?", "Which problems occurred?" and "What did I learn?" Should also give a short evaluation of the lecture
  • lexical information: see also (Form, Structure & Content)
  • lexicography: branch of applied linguistics which is concerned with the creation of dictionaries
  • macrostructure: organization of lexical entries in the body of a dictionary
  • megastructure: entire structure of a dictionary
  • meronomy/mereonomy: kind of semantic relation where a part is realted to the whole. Example: A wing is a part of a chicken but not a kind of chicken
  • meronym/ mereonym/ partonym: sth. is the part of sth. else
  • mesostructure: set of relations between lexical entries and other entities such as other parts of a dictionary or text corpora
  • metadata: gives deatiled information on author, publisher, edition ... which identify the dictionary
  • metalanguage: language used to discuss language itself
  • microstructure: consistent organization of lexical information within lexical entries
  • model: help to understand different topics by presenting it in a simplyfied way
  • morpheme: the smallest meaningful unit of a language
  • morphology: the study of word structure
  • onomasiological dictionary: words listed after topics or meanings, also describes the word but gives synonymus words instead of translation or explanation. (writer´s dictionary)
  • orthography: the correct spelling of words
  • ostensive definition: definition by pointing to the named thing in the real world
  • paradigmatic definition: defines a word by relating it to synonyma and antonyms
  • paradigmatic relations: relations between words
  • phoneme: the smallest word distinguishing unit of speech
  • phonetics: study of sounds
  • phonology: study of the system of speech
  • portfolio: a collection of all materia learned in class which are new or important. also containing a glossary with tehcnical terms
  • recursive definition: allows you to form an infinite number of words and sentences
  • semantics: study of meaning
  • semantic components: either describe property or relation of an item
  • semantic fields: word field of related words
  • semantic relations: describes the relation of words either be taxonomy or meronomy
  • semasiological dictionary: words listed in alphabetical order, pronounciation hints, mostly gives translation or description for the word. (reader´s dictionary)
  • semiotics: the way in which people communicate
  • stem: has lexical meaning. Either simplex or complex
  • structural relation: language is itself structured by strustural relations whcih can be subdivided into paradigmatic or syntagmatic
  • structure: is related to the formulation of the word, e.g. the construction or its position in a sentence
  • syllable: the basic structure in English is CCCVVCCC
  • synonym: two words with same meaning
  • sytagmatic definition: e.g. contextual definiton because they are in a way combinatory
  • syntagmatic relation: ?linguistic glue?- combinatory relation
  • syntax: study of the structure of a sentence
  • taxonomy: kind of classification, mostly in hierarchical order
  • text: probably a number of letters or words connected to build a unity in meaning, and to express something. The main properties of a text are appearance, the meaning, the structure and the formulation.
  • text linguistics: a branch of linguistics that deals with texts as communication systems (like e.g. "wikipedia" or other search engines). Lingists analyze texts in terms of their overall structure and even take into account the setting of the text itself in terms of its place between the author and the addressee.
  • tex theory: intended to provide a basic method of studying a text . It is a brief and concise work that provides examples, where necessary, for the new terminology that is employed.thesaurus: an onomasiological dictionary; defining words in categories
  • website:a hypertext document which includes embedded or linked documents, and is therefore also a text. You cann see a website on the world wide web (www, internet), that means you have to be connected to an internet provider to see the information published on the website.
  • word formation: creates new words either by compounding or derivation