2013 Meeting on Mathematics of Language
MOL2013, the thirteenth Mathematics of Language meeting will be held August
9 2013 in conjunction with ACL 2013, at the National Palace of Culture,
Sofia, Bulgaria
4-page abstracts, ACL2013 formatted, must be submitted through the
START system on or
before April 26 2013. Notification of acceptance May 24, camera ready copy
due June 7th.
On-line program (includes links to draft papers)
Aims And Scope
MoL is devoted to the study of mathematical structures
and methods that are of importance to the description of
language. Contributions to all areas of this field are welcome. Specific
topics within the scope of our 13th meeting include, but are not limited to
the following:
- generative capacity, computational complexity, and learnability of
grammar formalisms
- formal and computational syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and phonology;
- formal analysis of linguistic theories and frameworks
- model-theoretic and proof-theoretic methods in linguistics
- mathematical foundations of statistical and stochastic approaches to
language analysis
- formal models of language use and language change
This year we are actively seeking contributions addressing the theoretical
underpinnings of the main tasks and methods of natural language processing,
such as speech analysis, (shallow) parsing, POS tagging, named entity
recognition, natural language understanding, and machine translation.
Special Events
Invited Speaker: Mark Johnson
Grammars and Topic Models
Context-free grammars have been a cornerstone of theoretical computer
science and computational linguistics since their inception over half
a century ago. Topic models are a newer development in machine
learning that play an important role in document analysis and
information retrieval. It turns out there is a surprising connection
between the two that suggests novel ways of extending both grammars
and topic models. After explaining this connection, I go on to
describe extensions which identify topical multi-word collocations and
automatically learn the internal structure of named-entity phrases.
These new models have applications in text data mining and information
Camera ready deadline for the procedings is June 7.
Programme Committee
- Ash Asudeh (Oxford)
- Alexander Clark (KCL)
- Anne Foret (IRISA)
- Gerhard Jaeger (Tubingen)
- Aravind Joshi (UPenn)
- Makoto Kanazawa (NII)
- Andras Kornai (Chair, HAS)
- Marco Kuhlmann (Co-chair, Uppsala)
- Andreas Maletti (Stuttgart)
- Carlos Martin-Vide (Tarragona)
- Jens Michaelis (Bielefeld)
- Gerald Penn (Toronto)
- Carl Polllard (OSU)
- Geoffrey Pullum (Santa Cruz)
- James Rogers (Earlham)
- Giorgio Satta (Padua)
- Noah Smith (CMU)
- Ed Stabler (UCLA)
- Mark Steedman (Edinburgh)
- Sylvain Salvati (LABRI)
- Anssi Yli-Jyra (Helsinki)