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List of abbreviations

AD Articulatory Data
ADPCM Adaptive Differential PCM
AGC Automatic Gain Control
AI Articulation Index
AI Artificial Intelligence
ANN Artificial Neural Network
ANOVA Analysis of Variance
ANSI American National Standards Institute
API Application Programming Interface
ARPA Advanced Research Program Agency
ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency
ARS Adverse Recognition System
ASCII American Standard Code for
Information Interchange
ASG Automatic Speech Generation
ASR Automatic Speech Recognition
ATIS Air Line Travel Information System
ATM Automatic Teller Machine
BAS Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals
BNC British National Corpus
BNF Backus Naur Form (Backus Normal Form)
CA Contextual Appropriateness
CART Classification And Regression Trees
CD-ROM Compact Disk-Read Only Memory
CFA Confirmatory Factor Analysis
CLID CLuster IDentification
COCOSDA International Committee for Collaboration
in Speech Assessment and Databases
CPT Complete Phonetic Theory
CPU Central Processing Unit
CR Correction Rate
CRIL Computer Representation of
Individual Languages
CTI Computer Telephony Integration
CTS Concept-To-Speech
CVC Consonant Vowel Consonant
CVSD Continuously Variable Slope Delay
DAT Digital Audio Tape
DATR Default ATtribute Representation
DBMS DataBase Management System
DD Dialogue Duration
DDL Dialogue Description Language
DP Dynamic Programming
DPSIE Diagnostic Pairs Sentence Intelligibility
Evaluation Test
DRA Defence Research Agency
DRT Diagnostic Rhyme Test
DSP Digital Signal Processing
DTMF Dual Tone Multi-Frequency
DTW Dynamic Time Warping
DVI Direct Voice Input
DVO Direct Voice Output
EAGLES Expert Advisory Group on
Language Engineering Standards
EER Equal Error Rate
EIN Equivalent Input Noise
ELRA European Language Resources Association
ELSA ESPRIT Labelling System Assessment software
EM Expectation-Maximisation
EMA Electromagnetic Articulography
EMG electromyograph
EUROPEC European Program d'Enregistrement de Corpus
FRANCIL Re0.2ex'seau Francophone de l'Inge0.2ex'nierie
de la Langue
GLIM Generalised LInear Modelling Techniques
GNE Glottal-to-Noise Excitation
GUI Graphical User Interface
HCI Human-Computer Interaction
HENR Human Equivalent Noise Ratio
HMM Hidden Markov Model
HP high pass filter
HPSG Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
IC Integrated Circuit
ICASSP International Conference on Acoustics, Speech
and Signal Processing
ICPhS International Congress of Phonetic Sciences
ICSLP International Conference on Spoken Language
ILEX Integrated LEXicon
IPA International Phonetic Alphabet
IPO Instituut voor Perceptie Onderzoek
IVR Interactive Voice Response
KRL Knowledge Representation Language
LDC Linguistic Data Consortium
LES Language Engineering Standards
LKRL Lexical Knowledge Representation Language
LOO Leaving-One-Out
LP low pass filter
LRE Linguistic Research and Engineering Programme
LTI Linear and Time-Invariant system
Lin-PCM Linear Pulse Code Modulation
Log-PCM Logarithmic Pulse Amplitude Modulation
MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MMI Man-Machine Interaction
MNRU Modulated Noise Reference Unit
MORPA MORphological PArser
MPI Test Minimal Pairs Intelligibility Test
MRPA Machine Readable Phonetic Alphabet
MRT Modified Rhyme Test
MVIP Multi-Vendor Integration Protocol
NERC Network of European Reference Corpora
NIST National Institute of Standards
NL Natural Language
NLP Natural Language Processing
NPL National Physical Laboratory
OCR Optical Character Recognition
OGI Oregon Graduate Institute
OOV out-of-vocabulary
OS Operating System
PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange
PBX Private Branch Exchange
PAM Pulse Amplitude Modulation
PB phonetically balanced
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PD Phonetic Discrimination
PDA Pitch Determination Algorithm
PDI Pitch Determination Instrument
PEB Pulse coded modulation Expansion Bus
PIN Personal Identification Number
PMT Parametric Test Manager
POS Part Of Speech
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PTS Progiciel de Traitement de Signal
PZM pressure zone microphone
RAM Random Access Memory
ROARS Robust Analytical Recognition System
ROC Receiver Operating Characteristic
RSRE Royal Signals Research Establishment
RT Reverberation Time
SAM Speech Assessment Methods (ESPRIT project)
SAMITPRO SAM Iterative Proportional Fitting
SAMPA Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet
SAMTRA SAM TRanscription Analysis
SAM_SCOR SAM Input Assessment Scoring Software
SAM_SLM SAM Speech Level Measuring program
SAM_SPEX SAM Speech Parameter EXtractor
SCATIS Spatially Coordinated Auditory/Tactile
Interactive Scenario
SCSA Signal Computing System Architecture
TAO Telephony Application Object
SCR System Correction Rate
SDL Specification and Description Language
SDS Spoken Dialogue System
SDT Signal Detection Theory
SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language
SI speech input
SIFT Simple Inverse Filtering Tracking
SIO Speech Input/Output
SL Spoken Language
SLM Speech Level Meter
SLP Spoken Language Processing
SLWG (EAGLES) Spoken Language Working Group
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
SOAP Speech Output Assessment Package
SOS Second-Order Statistics
SPL Sound Pressure Level
SQL Standard Query Language
SS Speech Synthesis
STAG Speech Technology Assessment Group
STS Speech-to-speech Translation System
SUS Semantically Unpredictable Sentences
SUS Speech Understanding System
TEI Text Encoding Initiative
TFW Time-Frequency Warping
TS Transaction Success
TSAPI Telephony Services Application
Programming Interface
TTS Text-To-Speech
ToBI Tones and Break Indices (transcription)
UCL University College London
UCR User Correction Rate
VR Voice Response
VRU Voice Response Unit
WIF Word form Interchange Format
WORM Write Once Read Many
WOZ Wizard of Oz
WSJ Wall Street Journal

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