Next: PTM (Parametric Test Manager)
Up: SAM software tools
Previous: SAMTRA (SAM TRanscription Analysis)
- Version:
- 4.0, March l992
- Hardware / OS requirements:
- Standard SESAM workstation,
with AU21/22 OROS board
- Description:
- SOAP is a PC-based system for outputting speech and
collecting the responses of a listener.
- The protocol (in terms of audio/visual cues, the
file/path/part of speech files, time-out error strategy, etc.)
can be defined by the user.
- The listener can enter responses via the keyboard or using
a mouse/screen interface with a user-defined screen display.
- The software comes with demonstrations of SAM standard
assessment protocols for testing at four levels: segmental,
suprasegmental/SUS, prosodic and quality.
- Various utilities allow automatic randomisation of
test sequences, the interpretation and scoring of test responses
and automatic rule-based generation of segmental test files.
- Developing lab:
Dept of Phonetics and Linguistics
7406 University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
Tel: (+44) 71 387
Fax: (+44) 71 383 0752
- Contact:
- Kate Jones
EAGLES SWLG SoftEdition, May 1997. Get the book...