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- Version:
- 4.11, September l991
- Hardware / OS requirements:
- Standard SESAM workstation,
with AU21/22 OROS board
- Description:
- This is a corpus recording software which facilitates the
recording of speech databases. It ensures constant recording
conditions for various speakers and/or corpora. The recording
session is driven by a protocol file (user-made) which describes
the way in which items (constituents of the corpus) will be
displayed on the screen.
- Features and functionalities:
- ``Standard SAM format'' file production
- One or two-channels
- Recording and listening facilities
- Three recording modes (manual, automatic, continuous)
- Parameter adjustment (sampling rate, input and output gain,
- Sound level meter
- Free/operator controlled session
- Error treatment
- Easy data verification
- File safeguards
- Easy data retrieval and modification
- Simplified recording session
- User's guide, and many example files. User customisable in
any language
- Developing lab:
I.C.P. (Institut de la Communication Parlee)
46 Avenue Félix Viallet
38031 GRENOBLE Cedex
Tel: (+33) 76 57 45 33
Fax: (+33) 76 57 47 10
- Contact:
- Jerôme Zeiliger, Jean François SERIGNAT
EAGLES SWLG SoftEdition, May 1997. Get the book...