How are the speakers for a speech corpus selected? Again, this strongly depends on the application one has in mind. For the development of a speech synthesis system , experienced speakers, such as news readers or actors, are most appropriate. For the training and testing of recognition systems , on the other hand, the population of interest must be suitably sampled. There is no general agreement on the exact meaning of ``suitable'' in this context. One definition would amount to random sampling of the population of interest. This operationalisation usually results in different numbers of samples from subpopulations in the population of interest. For example, when the total population of army personnel is sampled, the subpopulation of women is likely to be poorly represented. In the case of the training and testing of a recognition system for the army, this female under-representation might seem to be acceptable, because the recogniser would have to deal mainly with male speakers. However, it may appear that some of the influential heavy duty users are women and then the recogniser should better be designed to handle the few but important women with the same performance as for men. In general, random sampling has the potential drawback that extremely large numbers of samples are needed to ensure that rare, but nevertheless important phenomena are included. When, where, and why rare phenomena may still be important depends on the application for which the corpus is collected. In the case of fundamental research, on the other hand, the aim is often to compare subpopulations in some respect, and then it would be more appropriate to draw an equal number of samples from all subpopulations of interest. Uniform sampling of all subpopulations of interest ensures that all relevant variation is included in the corpus with the smallest possible number of speakers. The application for which the speech corpus is collected not only determines the best sampling strategy, but it also influences the choice of speakers. For example, speech processing often involves spectral analysis of the recorded speech. Several analysis techniques, such as pitch extraction or formant extraction , are less accurate for high-pitched voices (women and children) than for low-pitched voices (men). If such analysis techniques are used and the sex of the speakers is of no concern for the research goal, it would thus be sensible to select only men for the speech corpus. In general, however, it is recommended to include all possible types of speakers in a speech corpus, unless there are imperative arguments to exclude specific speaker groups. Specifically, it is strongly recommended to include equal numbers of females and males in each corpus. Speaker characteristics, which are potentially important and should therefore be considered when selecting the speaker population are described and discussed below.
The many speaker characteristics that may influence the speech signal can be divided in two main classes: relatively stable characteristics, and transient (temporary) characteristics. Stable speaker characteristics comprise on the one hand physiological and anatomical factors such as sex , age, weight, height, smoking/drinking habits, and possible pathologies, and on the other hand geographical and sociolinguistic factors. Transient (temporary) speaker characteristics cover factors such as a cold, or other mild afflictions of the speech organs, general physical condition (dependent on, for instance, the number of hours of sleep during the previous night), stress , and emotional state. Whereas transient speaker characteristics are very difficult to control, stable speaker characteristics are easier to take into account in the design of the speech corpus. For an overview of several important stable speaker characteristics, we refer to [Scherer & Giles (1979)]. The most important stable speaker characteristics will be mentioned below.
Demographic factors form a very important set of relatively stable speaker characteristics which must be considered when designing sampling procedures for a corpus collection project. Each corpus should have sufficient demographic coverage. However, it is not always possible to determine all potentially relevant demographic factors a priori. Nor is the distribution of all factors in the total population always known. It is likely that the availability of detailed and reliable demographic data differs between the European countries. The availability such data in less developed countries is even more questionable. In selecting speakers for inclusion in a corpus the possibility to assess certain characteristics is dependent on the recording protocol. If randomly selected speakers are recorded over the telephone, many personal characteristics cannot reliably be collected: self-report from the speaker is the only means of gathering the data.
Sex (gender) distinctions are known to have an enormous impact on speech quality . It is not well known at what age sex-related speech characteristics become prevalent. There is some evidence that sex-related speech characteristics are only partly due to physiological and anatomical differences between the sexes; cultural factors and sex role stereotypes also play an important role. Therefore, it is possible that the age at which sex-related differences become apparent differs between cultures and therefore between languages. See for general information on sex-related speech characteristics [Smith (1979)], [Coates (1986)], [Philips et al. (1987)], and [Brouwer & De Haan (1987)]. For the time being, no definitive recommendations can be given with respect to the age above which sexes should be distinguished and sampled individually. Unless the contrary can be motivated from the specific application the corpus is collected for, each corpus should comprise approximately equal numbers of speakers of both sexes. For some applications, recordings of young children may also be required. Children should be considered as a ``third sex'', independent of adolescent or adult females and males. Speaker sex is known or suspected to affect at least four aspects of speech behaviour.
Although the impact of speaker age on speech behaviour has not received much attention in previous research, there are indications that age influences at least two aspects of speech behaviour [Helfrich (1979)].
Here the considerations described above in the paragraph on the impact of sex on speech behaviour apply in exactly the same way. There is some literature suggesting that vocabulary and syntax of the older generation are different from the younger speakers, but apart from obvious observations that the subjects spontaneously discussed by senior citizens tend to differ there is little hard data to support the claim that age is more important a factor than, for instance, social group and education level.
As with speaker age , most research in the past has concentrated on the question whether people can estimate speaker weight or speaker height from speech recordings alone [Van Dommelen (1993)]. It appears that people are moderately successful in this task. It will be clear that weight and height of speakers are highly correlated. The exact signal characteristics that enable people to guess the speaker's weight and height are not known. In a sufficiently large sample of speakers, most weight/height groups will probably be represented.
Several investigations have shown that voice quality can change under the influence of smoking or the use of alcohol [Gilbert & Weismer (1974)]. One of the most common consequences of smoking and drinking is premature ageing of the mucous membrane covering the vocalis muscle, resulting in a hoarse voice quality. Excessive drinking may eventually result in brain damage, which may in turn lead to severe speech disorders. The use of drugs can have a similar effect. In those cases it would be more appropriate to speak of pathological speech.
The boundary that divides pathological speech from non-pathological speech is very difficult to draw. Hoarseness due to smoking can be regarded as a very mild speech disorder, whereas more severe speech disorders include, for instance, paralysis of the vocal cords and aphasia . Speech disorders can be divided into two main classes: those where there is a clear organic (anatomical, physiological, neurological) cause, and those where there is not. The latter category is usually referred to as functional disorder . However, in many cases there is no clear cut distinction between organic and functional speech disorders ; often both types are involved, or it is unclear which of the two types is involved. Speech disorders can be described at five different levels:
For many purposes it is most appropriate to build speech corpora
with a large variety of speakers. However, the speaker variability should be
kept within reasonable bounds. Severely
pathological speech will, in general, deviate
substantially from ``normal'' speech and thus it is usually not desirable to
include this type of speech in a normal speech corpus. On the other hand,
speakers with mild pathological disorders, such as
hoarseness , can be included in for
instance speech corpora designed for recognition.
Of course, research might focus specifically on
speech, for instance when a recogniser is developed for use as an
environmental control device for handicapped persons.
In that case pathological speech should of
course be amply represented in the speech corpus.
Pathological speech should also be present in a corpus designed to cover as much speaker variation
as possible (a kind of ``all-purpose'' speech corpus). A more elaborate discussion of
pathological speech can be found in [Perkins (1977)] and [Crystal (1980)].
Professional speakers should be selected when recording very large corpora with very few speakers, for instance to develop text-to-speech systems. The major reason to prefer professional speakers for this purpose is their ability to keep pitch , intensity and speech rate constant, not only during one recording session, but also over several sessions, which may have to be scheduled on different days , perhaps spread over several weeks or even months. One possibly important drawback of using professional speakers must be emphasised: more often than not, professional speakers are not really representative of the ``normal'' speech behaviour in the community. If the corpus is collected for the development of a text-to-speech system this may not be a problem. However, linguistic and phonetic findings based on a corpus comprising only speech of a small number of highly trained professional speakers should not be generalised without extreme caution.
It is well known that both the regional and the sociolinguistic background of speakers can have a
large effect on their speech. People speak differently depending on the specific region(s) in which
they were brought up, and dependent on factors such as the linguistic background of the parents,
social status, and
education level. It is widely assumed that the high-school period
is most decisive for the regional or dialectal colouring in one's
speech. Therefore it is strongly recommended to obtain
information about the high-school period when collecting data
about the speaker's background.
Dialectal speech or regional/dialectal colouring of the prestige
variant of a
language, like Received Pronunciation (RP) in British English or Hochdeutsch
in Germany, are known to be perhaps the most important source of speaker-related variation. Not
all languages have a widely accepted and
documented pronunciation standard, like RP in English.
Given the enormous amount of literature on Dialectology one would assume
that the impact of dialects on standard speech is well understood.
Unfortunately, this does not appear to be the case. Linguists and
dialectologists appear to disagree about the number of
major dialects in a
language area, and about the boundaries between the areas where a specific
dialect is spoken. Moreover, the majority of the dialect studies were
based on
written questionnaires. Although there are large amounts of recorded dialectal
speech stored in the national Dialectology institutes,
these recordings do not
qualify as corpora, because they exist only on analogue tapes, with little
or no
detailed annotation .
In collecting new corpora the factor
regional/dialectal colouring should
be properly accounted for. However, since the basic data to determine number
of dialects and dialect boundaries are difficult to obtain and probably
always reliable, it is recommended that dialect is operationalised by
geographic region. If necessary, processing of the corpus data can yield post hoc data on
dialect differences. However, it has
appeared that post hoc determination of the dialect
of a speaker as part of the
transliteration /transcription
process poses big difficulties.
There is one additional factor which complicates the procedures for sampling
dialectal influence, viz. the increasing mobility of the population. It is
acknowledged that the impact of mobility is different between
and between countries. However, in sampling for a number of large telephone
speech corpora in the U.S.A. (POLYPHONE ;
Across America) a special variety called Army Brat was defined, for
those speakers who had lived for short periods of time in many different
of the country.
It should be noted that the factor dialect
does not only affect pronunciation.
More often than not, its impact on vocabulary and perhaps also on syntax is
at least as important. Of course, the impact on vocabulary etc. can only come
to light in corpus collection paradigms which allow the speaker to select
his own words. In corpora comprising only read speech this factor should
have no effect.
Sociolects can be regarded as varieties spoken by a particular
social class.
A clear distinction between different social classes exists, for instance, in India, where each member of
the society belongs to a specific caste.
However, in most cultures it is very difficult to distinguish
between social classes.
The division into three categories lower-class, middle-class, upper-class seems to be most widely
for Western cultures. Elaborate schemes have been designed to
determine a
person's social class using factors
such as education, profession, and income. In addition to social class membership a person's
sociolect is, of
course, also influenced by the linguistic background of the parents and the dialect regions
in which he grew
up. As is the case for dialects ,
sociolects may influence not only pronunciation, but also
syntax and vocabulary.
It is recommended that sociolects should be properly accounted for when
collecting new corpora.
It has been found that the impact of sociolects on speech
behaviour strongly interacts with speaking style .
Thus, the speech of a pipe-fitter who speaks in a formal way,
may resemble the speech of a salesman who speaks in a casual way [Labov (1972)].
This phenomenon probably also applies to regional
dialects . Occupation-oriented varieties are often
termed registers .
There is considerable uncertainty on how to treat dialects ,
and sociolects in corpora collected for developing
technology, e.g. for developing connected speech
recognition systems
for use in telephone information systems. There may be large differences between countries
and cultures in what is most appropriate in this respect. Of course, each operational
recognition system should be able to handle the range of dialectal and influences present in the speech of
upper and middle class speakers produced in somewhat formal
situations. The extent to which dialectal influences occurring in
less formal speech, or in formal speech of lower class speakers must also be covered will
depend very much on the application for which the recogniser is being developed. Another
extremely important factor is the social acceptability of strongly dialectal
speech in a given situation. Acceptance is likely
differ strongly between regions in a given country.
If telephone applications are designed in such a way that all calls originating from a specific
part of the country are handled in a local centre, one may envisage
recognition systems which
adapted to the local dialect , provided that suitable
training corpora can be collected. When collecting speech corpora over the telephone by
soliciting input from randomly selected subjects one should specify strict guidelines for deciding
whether or not a specific speaker deviates too much from the ``standard'' language for him
to be included in the corpus.
The speech of non-native speakers can be regarded as a special ``sociolect ''.
Some non-native speakers may speak the standard
language of the country they reside in with only a slight accent,
whereas others may speak the
standard language with a very
marked accent or a poor control over vocabulary and grammar . There
seems to be no reason to exclude the former
group of non-native speakers from a common speech corpus,
whereas the latter group of non-native speakers would preferably be excluded, unless the
research is specifically aimed at non-native speech or one wants to build an
``all-purpose'' speech corpus.