Education:Olga Abramov studied Linguistics/Text Technology/Germanistics/Slawistics at the University of Bielefeld. At 2006 she achieved the degree of magister in Linguistics. During the last year of the study she was working for the A4 project: Induction of Document Grammar for Webgenre Representation of the DFG as a student assistant. Her magister thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Alexander Mehler. The thesis deals with the problem of automatic text classification (to text types, genres) by means of text structure. The thesis titled "How much information is provided by text structure? Automatic text classification using structural features" (in German) provides a solution to this task.

Olga Abrmov made her PhD with the title Network theory applied to linguistics: new advances in language classification and typology. Affiliation: Since 2006 Olga Abramov worked for the Interdisciplinary Research Project (SFB 673) in its sub part: A3 -- “Dialog Games and Group Dynamics”. The project consisted of a computational part and an experimental / psycholinguistic part. Olga Abramovs work was suited in the computational part where she developped a simulation model of natural dialogues.

Until 2011 she worked in the BMBF funded project Linguistic Networks. This project combined interdisciplinary interests of Linguistics, Physics and Texttechnology analyzing linguistic networks. In this project Olga Abramov worked on network models allowing to answer linguistic hypotheses. Olga Abramov made her PhD in the framework of ''Linguistic Networks''.

From 2018-2021: EcoGest project in the SCS work group in CITEC.

From 2021: technical faculty, SCS work group, CITEC, Bielefeld University.

Research Interests:

• Corpus Linguistics: study of language use and typology by means of quantitative corpus analyses
• Linguistic Networks by means of the Complex Network Theory
• Text Classification
• Corpus Representation and Retrieval
• Multi-agent simulations
• Languages: Russian, German, English, French, some experience in Swedish and Latin
• Cognitive Modelling
• Speech-gesture studies
Last Update: 07.10.2021