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Geld macht weiß

Interview with Olaf Kaltmeier, in which the refeudalization of Latin America, the Maria Sybilla Merian Center for Advanced Latin American Studies, CALAS and the significance of music as an object of research are discussed.


Sonic Politics: Music and Social Movements in the Americas

The anthology Sonic Politics: Music and Social Movements in the Americas, edited by Olaf Kaltmeier and Wilfried Raussert, will be published in June 2019. Each author establishes a reciprocal connection between a political and historical topic within the Americas and music or musicians, and thus opens up a new perspective for readers to deal with political, historical and social topics. Some may only now become aware of the fact that music - and art in the broader sense - is not only shaped by the spirit of time, but has the power to change the latter decisively. Music thus represents an important cogwheel within the dynamics of human societies, which is often enough ignored in historical and sociological discourses.

This publication is accompanied by a web page and a YouTube channel with playlists created for the individual chapters, where corresponding songs and artists can be found. These special addition provides the opportunity to listen to the songs at hand, while reading the essays, thus making the topic acoustically more "tangible". This adds a musically refreshing note to the intellectual content of the essays.

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Sonic Politics



Kaltmeier, Olaf

Konjunkturen der (De-)Kolonisierung. Indigene Gemeinschaften, Hacienda und Staat in den ecuadorianischen Anden von der Kolonialzeit bis heute.
Bielefeld: transcript, 2016.

Key Tropes


Key Tropes