SIGMOL is the Association for Mathematics of Language, a Special Interest Group of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).

The Mathematics of Language

Mathematics of Language is the study of mathematical structures and methods that are of importance to the study of language. This work is generally more theoretical than other sub-fields of linguistics. It includes work at every level of linguistic structure, and involves applications of both discrete and continuous maths, as well as statistics.

What does SIGMOL do?

SIGMOL organizes biennial meetings at which papers are presented. In recent years, as the main ACL meetings have shifted in their orientation towards empirical optimization and evaluation, SIGMOL has expanded its mandate from supporting the study of classical problems in formal language theory and learnability of human languages to a wide range of theoretical topics relating to language and computation.


The activities of SIGMOL are governed by a constitution. Executive authority is with two elected officers:


Henrik Björklund, Umeå University, Sweden.


Thomas Graf, Stony Brook, USA.