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SAMITPRO (SAM Iterative Proportional Fitting)

1.1, March 1992

Hardware / OS requirements:
Low Level SESAM Workstation


From this analysis conclusions can be drawn concerning the correlation between speaker characteristics and recognition performance: for instance whether some characteristics have an impact on performance or whether a complex interaction exists between several characteristics in combination.

Further work aims at extending SAMITPRO to provide the capability of correlating recognition performance with speaker dependent speech inherent parameters derived by SAM_SPEX.

Developing lab:

Speech Technology Centre
Institute of Electronic Systems
University of Aalborg
DK - 9220 Aalborg, Denmark

Tel: (45) 98 15 85 22 - 48 75

Fax: (45) 98 15 67 40

E-mail: Fredrik Bajers Vej 7

Ove Andersen

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