Association for Mathematics of Language

MOL is a special interest group of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL Logo

Sixth Meeting on Mathematics of Language

University of Central Florida
Orlando, Florida, USA
July 23-25, 1999

Sponsored by
The Association for Mathematics of Language
(A Special Interest Group of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL))

The Association for the Mathematics of Language is pleased to announce that its sixth meeting (MOL6) will be held in July, 1999. The biennial MOL meetings are a workshop-style forum for presenting work relating to mathematical linguistics.


Submissions were invited from all areas of study that deal with the mathematical properties of natural language. These areas include, but are not limited to, mathematical models of phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics; mathematical properties of linguistic frameworks/theories and models of natural language processing and generation; mathematical models of language acquisition and change; parsing theory; and statistical and quantitative models of language.

Important Dates

  • Deadline for submissions: Extended to February 22, 1999
  • Notification of acceptance: April 30, 1999
  • Deadline for final drafts: Extended to June 7, 1999
  • Meeting dates: July 23-25, 1999

Conference Venue and Local Arrangement Information

The conference will be held in Orlando, Florida at the University of Central Florida. Orlando has very good air access, and there are a wealth of attractions for those who might like to bring family along. Please see the local arrangements page for more detailed information.

Program Committee

  • Tilman Becker (DFKI)
  • Patrick Blackburn (University of Saarland)
  • Christophe Fouquere (Paris 13)
  • David Johnson (IBM Yorktown Heights)
  • Mark Johnson (Brown University)
  • Aravind Joshi, Co-Chair (UPENN)
  • Andras Kornai (PPD Informatics/Belmont Research)
  • Uli Krieger (DFKI)
  • Natasha Kurtonina (Utrecht/UPENN)
  • Alain Lecomte (LORIA)
  • Carlos Martin-Vide (GRLMC/Tarragona)
  • Mehryar Mohri (AT&T)
  • Larry Moss, Co-Chair (Indiana)
  • Mark-Jan Nederhof (DFKI)
  • Richard Oehrle (University of Arizona)
  • Fernando Pereira (AT&T)
  • James Rogers (UCF)
  • Giorgio Satta (Padua)
  • Walt Savitch (UCSD)
  • Mark Steedmnan (Edinburgh)
  • David Weir (Sussex)
  • K. Vijayshanker (U. Del.)