- Hans-Peter Kolb, Jens Michaelis, Uwe Mönnich & Frank Morawietz. An Operational and Denotational Approach to Non-Context-Freeness. Revised version appeared in Theoretical Computer Science, 293(2):261-289, 2003.
The main result of this paper is a description of linguistically motivated non-context-free phenomena equivalently in terms of regular tree languages (to express the recursive properties) and both a logical and an operational perspective (to establish the intended linguistic relations). The result is exemplified with a particular non-context-free phenomenon, namely cross-serial dependencies in natural languages such as Swiss German or Dutch. The logical description is specified in terms of binary monadic second-order (MSO) formulas and the operational description is achieved by means of a linear and non-deleting macro tree transducer. Besides giving a grammatical presentation for the regular tree language we shall also specify an implementation in the form of a finite-state (tree) automaton to emphasize the effectivity of our approach.
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