Publikationen -> Monographien und Herausgeberschaften (Auswahl)
Olaf Kaltmeier und Eleonora Rohland
Rethinking the Americas: The Routledge Handbook on Political Economy and Governance in the Americas, vol. II part II, Routledge: New York (2020).
Eleonora Rohland
Changes in the Air. Hurricanes in New Orleans from 1718 to the Present, (Series Environmental History: International Perspectives 15). Hg von: Dolly Jorgensen, Christof Mauch, David Moon und Helmuth Trischler).New York/ Oxford: Berghahn Books 2018.
Rezensiert von: Hübner, Andreas. "Rezension: Rohland, Eleonora: Changes in the Air. Hurricanes in New Orleans from 1718 to the Present, Berghahn, Oxford/New York 2018." Neue Politische Literatur (2020), DOI:
Eleonora Rohland
Sharing the Risk. Fire, Climate and Disaster. Swiss Re, 1864-1906.Lancashire: Carnegie Publishing/Crucible Books, 2011.