*ABS 99 absolute value function *ACS 9e arcus cosinus function *AHC 8e area cosinus hyperbolic function *AHS 8d area sinus hyperbolic function *AHT 8f area tangens hyperbolic function .AND a1 boolean operator in logical expressions .AS 73 substatement of open-statement .ASC d0 first character to ascii-code *ASN 9d arcus sinus function *ATN 9f arcus tangens function .BEEP 29 beeps .CALL 31 call machine code routine .CHR$ f0 ascii-code to character .CLEAR 2e clears all variables .CLOAD 16 load a program from tape into memory .CLOAD? 16 compare a program in memory with one on tape .CLOSE 22 close a file physicaly .CLOSE# 22 close a file physicaly .CLS 50 clears display .CONT 12 continue interrupted program *COS 96 cosinus function .CSAVE 20 store a program from memory onto tape *CUB bf cubic power function *CUR 89 cubic root function .DATA 5e holds data for the read statement *DEG 9b converts degree/minutes/secondes into decimal degree .DEGREE 26 switches angle units to DEG (360 = full circle) .DELETE 1b delete program lines .DIM 30 declares an array *DMS 9c converts decimal degree into degree/minutes/secondes .END 5a defines the end of a program *EXP 93 exponential function *FACT 90 factorial function .FILES 1c lists file names in memory .FOR 57 starts for-statement OR substatement of open-statement .FRE af displays size of free memory .GOSUB 62 GOSUB-statement .GOTO 2b GOTO-statement .GRAD 28 switches angle units to GON (400 = full circle) *HCS 8b hyperbolic cosinus function *HSN 8a hyperbolic sinus function *HTN 8c hyperbolic tangens function .IF 56 if-statement .INP a6 reads byte from port .INKEY$ e9 returns character if key pressed ales " " .INPUT 61 input from keyboard OR substatement of open-statement .INPUT# 61 input from serial devices *INT 98 entire function .KILL 3c deletes a file from memory .LEFT$ eb returns the first characters of a string .LEN d2 returns the number of characters in a string .LET 58 let-statement .LFILES 3b lists all file names in memory .LIST 14 displays a program .LLIST 15 prints a program on an optional printer *LN 91 natural logarithm function .LOAD 18 load program into memory .LOCATE 51 row column specification of display output *LOG 92 decadic logarithm function .LPRINT 64 prints data on an optional printer *MDF 80 round up function .MID$ ea returns a substring of a string .MON 0f selectes the monitor mode *NCR b6 number of combinations function .NEW 11 deletes all data and programs in memory .NEXT 5b close loop of for loop .NOT a3 boolean operator in logical expressions *NPR b7 number of permutation fucntions !MANE! 3e !!BUG!! should be NAME, to rename files .ON 55 substatement of gosub- and goto statement .OPEN 21 open a device physically .OR a2 boolean operator in logical expressions .OUT 45 writes byte to port .OUTPUT 71 substatement of open-statement .PASS 13 sets a password for the sharp calculator .PEEK a4 read byte from memory address *PI ae constant Pi .POKE 32 write byte to memory address *POL 82 converts cartesian coordiantes to polar coordiantes .PRINT 60 print-statement .PRINT# 60 print to serial devices .RADIAN 27 switches angels units to radian (6.2832 = full circle) .RANDOMIZE 25 initialze random generator *RCP 87 reziprocal function .READ 5d reads values form data-statement *REC 81 converts polar coordiantes to cartesian coordiantes .REM 59 remark, lead in a comment .RENUM 17 renumbers a program !RESERVED! 00 .RESTORE 66 restores values in data-statement .RETURN 65 return statement of GOSUB .RIGHT$ ec returns the last characters of a string *RND a0 returns a random number *ROT 83 binary root function .RUN 10 starts a program in memory .SAVE 23 stores program from memory *SGN 9a sign function *SIN 95 sinus function *SQR 94 square root function *SQU 88 square function .STEP 53 optional substatement of for-statement .STOP 5c halts program .STR$ f1 converts numerical value into string *TAN 97 tangens function *TEN 86 10-power function .THEN 54 substatement of if-statement .TO 52 optional substatement of for-statement .TRON 2c switches trace mode on .TROFF 2d switches trace mode off .USING 2f substatement of print-statement .VAL d1 converts string to numerical value .WAIT 2a pauses argument/64 seconds execution *&H converts hexadecimal integer to decimal integer